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Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь - industrial


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Перевод с английского языка industrial на русский

прил. 1) промышленный 2) индустриальный 3) производственный • - Dow Jones industrial average - industrial adjustment - industrial and economic activity - industrial area - industrial automation - industrial bank - industrial bonds - industrial building - industrial collateral - industrial company - industrial complex - industrial consolidation - industrial crops - industrial decentralization - industrial democracy - industrial development - industrial development bond - industrial disease - industrial disputes - industrial disputes tribunal - industrial dynamics - industrial engineer - industrial enterprise - industrial enterprises - industrial espionage - industrial estate - industrial goods - industrial insurance - industrial leader - industrial mix - industrial mobility - industrial organization - industrial output - industrial overproduction - industrial park - industrial patent - industrial plant - industrial premises - industrial process - industrial psychology - industrial relations - industrial safety rules - industrial school - industrial shares - industrial stocks - industrial structures - industrial system - industrial training - industrial undertaking - industrial undertaking - industrial union - industrial user - industrial users - the industrial revolution INDUSTRIAL 1. прил. 1) а) общ. индустриальный, промышленный industrial area — промышленный район industrial goods products — промышленные товары, промтовары industrial development — промышленное развитие a small industrial townмаленький промышленный городок See: "industrial action, "industrial arbitration, "industrial conflict, "industrial dispute, "industrial court, "industrial democracy, "industrial design, "industrial engineering, "industrial management, "industrial organization manager, "industrial population, "industrial relations, "industrial tribunal, "industrial union, "Australian Industrial Relations Commission, "Joint Industrial Council, industrial average, industrial bond, Industrial Confidence Indicator, industrial development bond, industrial equities, industrial inertia, industrial investments, industrial issue, Industrial Production Index, industrial revenue bond, industrial shares б) общ. вовлеченный в производственную деятельность (о человеке) industrial worker — промышленный производственный рабочий industrial classes — промышленные рабочие, трудящиеся 2) общ. производственный (непосредственно связанный с процессом производства) industrial school — ремесленная школа See: "industrial disability, "non-industrial disability, "industrial disability benefit, "industrial disability leave, "industrial hygiene, "industrial safety, "industrial training, "occupational illness, "accident at work, "employment injury 3) общ. используемый в промышленных целях, применяемый в промышленности, идущий на промышленные цели нужды industrial crops — технические культуры industrial woodпиломатериалы industrial tractor — трактор-тягач, промышленный трактор 2. сущ. 1) а) эк. промышленник Syn: manufacturer б) эк. промышленное предприятие в) эк. промышленный рабочий 2) мн., фин. акции промышленных предприятий See: stock INDUSTRIAL 1. прил. 1) а) общ. индустриальный, промышленный industrial area — промышленный район industrial goods products — промышленные товары, промтовары industrial development — промышленное развитие a small industrial town — маленький промышленный городок See: industrial action, industrial arbitration, industrial conflict, industrial dispute, industrial court, industrial democracy, industrial design, industrial engineering, industrial management, industrial organization manager, industrial population, industrial relations, industrial tribunal, industrial union, Australian Industrial Relations Commission, Joint Industrial Council б) общ. вовлеченный в производственную деятельность (о человеке) industrial worker — промышленный производственный рабочий industrial classes — промышленные рабочие, трудящиеся 2) общ. производственный (непосредственно связанный с процессом производства) industrial school — ремесленная школа See: industrial disability, non-industrial disability, industrial disability benefit, industrial disability leave, industrial hygiene, industrial safety, industrial training, occupational illness, accident at work, employment injury 3) общ. используемый в промышленных целях, применяемый в промышленности, идущий на промышленные цели нужды industrial crops — технические культуры industrial wood — пиломатериалы industrial tractor — трактор-тягач, промышленный трактор 2. сущ. 1) а) эк. промышленник Syn: manufacturer б) эк. промышленное предприятие в) эк. промышленный рабочий 2) мн., фин. акции промышленных предприятий
Рейтинг статьи:

См. в других словарях

  фин. промышленная корпорация На фондовом рынке любая корпорация, которая не может быть отнесена к коммунальным, финансовым или транспортным компаниям ...
Англо-русский лингвострановедческий словарь
  1. промышленик 2. промышленный рабочий 3. акции промышленных предприятий 4. промышленный, индустриальный industrial goods —- промышленные товары industrial development —- промышленное развитие industrial estate —- промышленная революция 5. промышленная эстетика; промышленный дизайн 6. художественное оформление промышленной продукции industrial arts —- уроки труда в школе industrial chemistry —- химическая технология 7. применяемый в промышленности, идущий на промышленные нужды industrial crops —- технические культуры 8. производственный industrial training —- производственное обучение industrial disease —- профессиональное заболевание ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1) заводской 2) индустриальный 3) производственный 4) промышленный 5) фабрично-заводский industrial gamma ray source — машиностр. гамма-установка промышленная industrial knitted fabric — технический трикотаж industrial power association — машиностр. объединение производственное энергетическое industrial power plant — промышленная электростанция industrial pressure gauge — технический манометр industrial rough diamond — технический сырьевой алмаз industrial steam reheater — промпароперегреватель integrated industrial plant — промышленный комбинат powered industrial car — машиностр. автокар, автотележка - industrial architecture - industrial automation - industrial boiler - industrial catalysis - industrial computations - industrial condensate - industrial control - industrial drive - industrial economics - industrial engine - industrial engineering - industrial hazard - industrial lighting - industrial load - industrial lubricant - industrial luminaire - industrial network - industrial noise - industrial oil - industrial oxygen - industrial pipe-line - industrial poison - industrial pollution - industrial safety - industrial sanitation - industrial scrap - industrial structure - industrial television - industrial thermometer - industrial waste - industrial water ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  производственный фильм ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  adj. & n. --adj. 1 of or relating to industry or industries. 2 designed or suitable for industrial use (industrial alcohol). 3 characterized by highly developed industries (the industrial nations). --n. (in pl.) shares in industrial companies. Phrases and idioms industrial action Brit. any action, esp. a strike or work to rule, taken by employees as a protest. industrial archaeology the study of machines, factories, bridges, etc., formerly used in industry. industrial estate Brit. an area of land developed for the siting of industrial enterprises. industrial relations the relations between management and workers in industries. the Industrial Revolution the rapid development of a nation's industry (esp. in Britain in the late 18th and early 19th c.). Derivatives industrially adv. Etymology: INDUSTRY + -AL: in 19th c. partly f. F industriel ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. adjective  Date: 15th century  1. of or relating to industry  2. derived from human industry ~ wealth  3. engaged in industry the ~ classes  4. used in or developed for use in industry ~ diamonds; also heavy-duty an ~ zipper  5. characterized by highly developed industries an ~ nation  • ~ly adverb  II. noun  Date: 1865  1.  a. one that is employed in industry  b. a company engaged in ~ production or service  2. a stock or bond issued by an ~ corporation or enterprise ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. You use industrial to describe things which relate to or are used in industry. ...industrial machinery and equipment. ...a link between industrial chemicals and cancer. ADJ: usu ADJ n 2. An industrial city or country is one in which industry is important or highly developed. ...ministers from leading western industrial countries. ADJ: usu ADJ n ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ adj 1 connected with industry or the people working in it  (industrial pollution | industrial output | industrial accident/injury (=happening at work)) 2 having many industries, or industries that are well developed  (an industrial nation) 3 of the type used in industry  (industrial detergents)  (- compare industrious) - industrially adv ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English


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